The Good: The smallest things remind me of good things about Dad. I'll try to share a new list soon.
The Bad: It has been long enough now that I can start to laugh about things I WON'T miss about Dad - though that list is still quite short. At this point, his coleslaw is definitely at the top. Yellow mustard and a little mayonnaise stirred into thinly sliced cabbage is NOT one of my favorite foods.
And then, there is The Broken. Since Benjamin was very, very young, I have been fixing things that I honestly didn't know could break. Yesterday, my sister asked me if I could fix something. The text I sent back was swift and sure, "I am sure I can fix it. After all, I am not just Benjamin's mom, I'm also Melvin's daughter." My father - in spite of, or perhaps because of - the fact that he had only sisters and only daughters, has given me the skills I need to raise a son.
Thanks, Dad.