
Several people have inquired about a place to share their memories of my father. I hope that this site can serve that purpose. Please email me your relections - - and I'll copy them onto this site. Please include your name, even if it is just a first name. Thanks.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Reflections from Marcus

After almost 20 years with Melvin, this list is long, and will be in a constant state of updating.

1. When we repainted our first house, Melvin didn't think much of the color palette. But, he didn't argue (except for the trademarked raised eyebrow) and got all of his equipment out and went to work. Before it was over, he liked the colors so much that he painted one of his own rental houses in the same palette.

2. When Hurricane Ivan was bearing down on our house in Fairhope back in 2004, Melvin rushed to the Lowe's in Columbus to get a truckload of plywood and drove to Fairhope to measure, cut, & install window protection on our house, and our dear friends Pam & Cindy's house as well. He then took the children with him back to Starkville for us to ride out the storm. We ended up losing our nerve a few hours later and headed to Starkville, but he did everything that he could to protect our property and his grandchildren.

3. Every Valentine's day, Melvin would go and select cards for each of his children and grandchildren, sign then, and mail them. Few men would think to use the occasion to express their love to anyone other than their spouse.

4. Melvin always said the best prayer at the Thanksgiving meal. He was sincere, and would often get choked up on his sentiment. It will be very difficult to have another Thanksgiving without him.

Thanksgiving Dinner, 2007 - Fairhope, AL

5. The city dug up a large portion of one of the neighbor's yards to install a new sewer line. Poppa took advantage of the newly tilled soil to be mischievous, and would take frequent walks around the block with a pocket full of turnip seeds. He would sow a hand-full each time he passed by. It was a bountiful crop.

6. In the late 80s & early 90s, Melvin & the family developed a passion for hot-air ballooning. Melvin loved to head up the ground crew and chase the balloon to it's landing site. We had some interesting experiences with several different pilots. One fool crashed into a large oak tree at one festival and ripped the balloon open. Melvin spent several hours with a special tape putting it back together in a hotel parking light using a street light for visibility. Another one landed in a field that was completely inaccessible via automobile. We had to take the entire balloon and basket apart and walk it out piece by piece. But we had some wonderful trips to different parts of the state and had a blast at balloon festivals.

7. Melvin gave Jan a beautiful amethyst ring with a gold inlay in the top of the stone for her 40th birthday. She had seen it somewhere and expressed a desire for it, and he secretly bought it for her. It was secured in the middle of a large Dutch iris blossom, and she almost didn't even see it. She was thrilled, and Melvin was so pleased with himself.

8. There is a beaver infestation on the tree farm. Melvin & a friend would spend a lot of time out there a few years ago blowing up their dams with dynamite. He complained about the beavers, but he sure did love trying to get rid of them. When we were trying to come up with a name for the farm, I really thought that it should be "Beaver Chase", but I didn't win.

9. There is really no way to estimate how many books Melvin read. When he would come to Fairhope, he always dropped by the hospital gift shop, which sells used paperbacks very inexpensively. He would fill up a grocery bag and take them home. When he would make the next trip, he would bring a bag back and drop off at the hospital to be resold.

10. Melvin loved a nice glass of Scotch in the early evening. It was an almost every day ritual. I don't know that I ever saw him drink any other alcohol, and he never came close to drinking in excess. But he got great pleasure from that drink.

11. Every Christmas, Melvin would make huge amounts of Martha Washington candy. (Click here for his recipe.) He didn't spend a lot of time in the kitchen during any other part of the year, but he loved doing holiday candies.

12. Melvin changed career paths every few years. I hope to put together a complete list soon, but for now this is what I can think of: accountant (he had a degree from Mississippi College in accounting), mortician, something in mobile home manufacturing, proprietor of a county line beer joint & restaurant, liquor store owner & operator, licensed realtor, mechanic at his tire shop, running a collection agency, managing rental property, taking classes to learn about timber management, and operating a small repair business as a licensed contractor. If he was ever bored or unhappy with a career path, he found a new one. There is certainly a lesson in that for all of us. (Additions: Melvin also had some side money-making enterprises at one time or another as well: (1.) balloon shop (2.) traveling snow cone truck (3.) flashing arrow sign rentals (4.) occasional used car sales)

13. To have not been a Louisiana native, Melvin loved a good gumbo and red beans & rice more than anyone I know.

14. There was a board game back in the 60s & 70s called Acquire. I had never heard of this game until I joined the Rhodes family. It was a family favorite, and I quickly became a fan as well. It requires a high level of strategy, the ability to look several steps ahead, and a little business sense. Melvin almost always won.

15. Several years ago, Melvin became enamored with bread machine baking for a while. He went through at least two machines, and countless loaves, and turned out some pretty good bread. (In this photo, he has his bread machine at our house baking on Christmas morning.)

16. Melvin loved Wendy's. I'm not sure why. But he would have lunch there most days. It was even his last meal. He & Jan met for lunch, and then he headed to the farm.

17. Melvin also had an abiding love of Coca-Cola. When they would be here visiting, Jan would head straight for the coffee pot, but Melvin headed next door to Walgreen's for a Coke. He didn't go very long without one.

18. Melvin was an adamant Republican. He & I rarely agreed on anything when it came to politics. We learned to just not discuss most issues.

19. To have been an alum of Mississippi College, I never knew of him to set foot on the campus. Melvin was a devoted fan & proponent of Mississippi State University.

20. Back when he had the tire shop business, he also served as a state vehicle inspection station. He would not let anything slide, and no one got to skip the inspection process, not even his wife or children.

21. Veteran's day is a bigger deal here in Alabama than it was in Mississippi. It is even a school holiday. Fairhope Elementary puts on a great Veteran's day program every year, and Melvin drove down for it when each girl was participating. All the students could put a picture of a veteran from their family, and he was very proud to have his on the board.

22. In the spring of 1999, the kids made a slip & slide out of large construction-grade garbage bags & dish soap in the Rhode's front yard. Even Melvin took a trip or two down the thing. All of the adults were horribly sore the next day, but he didn't complain. 

23. Melvin made the most god-awful version of cole slaw, at least to my taste. He grated the cabbage very coarsely, and I like it to be extremely fine. His idea of seasoning it was squirting some mustard into it and stirring. I like mayo & sugar. Several times, I said to Lorraine that I never wanted to see it again. Sadly, now I won't.

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