
Several people have inquired about a place to share their memories of my father. I hope that this site can serve that purpose. Please email me your relections - - and I'll copy them onto this site. Please include your name, even if it is just a first name. Thanks.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


It has taken me a very long time to get to where I could verbalize exactly what Melvin meant to me and what I will remember the most.  it's hard to put into words.  

I can remember the first time I met was Lorraine's graduation from MSMS.  The thing I remember the most is that he scared me to death.  He was so confident and strong.  I don't know why I expected anything else - knowing Lorraine as I did. 

I have a special memory of Melvin that I get to relive every single day when I walk in the back door of my house.  Melvin had made these wooden door mats for the Rhodes' house.  When I was down to visit one time I commented on how much I liked them.  He said he'd made them and they were easy to make.  I started quizzing him on how he did it, the tools he used, etc.  He asked me, "You wanna make one?  I'll show you how."  The next day, Melvin made a mat with me watching and then left me to make another.  It was the first time I'd ever used a table saw or a nail gun.  There were only brads in the nail gun, but that thing scared me to death.  I know Poppa had to be laughing his head off at me.  Thinking back, maybe that's why he left me alone outside to finish my mat - so he could watch me through the window and get a giggle. 

I have so many memories of Poppa.  He always talked to me like I was an adult - no matter how old I was.  He made me feel smart.  Every time something went wrong with my car, he was there.  Every time I needed advice on a house project, he was there.   

I will always remember the way that he looked at me when I held Alexandrea when she was a baby.  It was one of those looks of gratitude, love and amazement at this little being that would be a part of our lives from then on.   

As I got older and started looking for a husband myself, I remember consciously thinking about how strong Jan and Melvin's relationship was.  How I wanted to find someone that after 35 years I still wanted to hold hands with.   

I hate that I didn't get to tell Poppa goodbye, because I will truly miss him.   

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