
Several people have inquired about a place to share their memories of my father. I hope that this site can serve that purpose. Please email me your relections - - and I'll copy them onto this site. Please include your name, even if it is just a first name. Thanks.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat?

Halloween is an event at my house. 

It is the favorite holiday of one of my sisters. 

But it really wasn't a big deal to Dad. 

In fact, a few years ago, he was out on the tree farm. He hadn't thought about it being Halloween, and he certainly hadn't thought about buying any candy. Besides, the farm is not exactly in the middle of a neighborhood, so he wasn't expecting any trick-or-treaters. For that matter, I don't think more than a half-dozen trick-or-treaters have ever shown up at Mom and Dad's house that is in a neighborhood. 

Suffice it to say, Dad was more than a little unprepared when costumed kids started knocking on his door expecting treats.

So, he passed out the only thing he had that seemed to fit the occasion - cans of Coke. He always had plenty of those.

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