Bien Hoa12 Dec. 1969
Hello Everybody,
Well, only 13 shopping days till Christmas--for whatever that is worth to you.
Christmas in Nam--what an experience.
Well, I hate (not really) to tell you, but if you don’t mind, please change the way you address letters to me. I’m now SP5 Rhodes--Specialist Five--same as buck sargeant--I was given a choice--be promoted in November as SP5 or wait till Dec and be made Sgt. And I would rather get higher pay a month early (same pay for both) and not be called Sarge. I still wonder if it was worth going up to Quan Lon for last month---but as I didn’t get hit, it was.
That blankety-blank Charlie---pulled a rocket attach on us this morning at 6:30---and blast it-- I had to get up---and I usually stay in the rack till 6:45.
War-wise all has been exceptionally quiet---the Cav is only pulling defense all over the map now----but few guys are getting injured.
I caught a bum rap this morning----I had to go to the airport with the Chaplain to tell a man that his son died of Meningitis. We got there only about thirty minutes before the man’s plane left. He was going home on emergency leave to see his son. He took it quite well---I suspect he went into shock and somebody on that plane is going to have to do a lot of talking in the 22 hours before it reaches the world.
Our office is decorated---and the holiday season is here. I wornder how many other guys over here are comparing this year with last---and feeling cynical.
Christmas in Nam
is getting all your presents in November,
is opening all your presents in November
(just kidding---Scout’s honor!)
is getting 14 Christmas cards---all from the same sorority,
is planning on an all day drunk,
is fearing the Vietnamese Air Force
will think Santa is a Trojan Horse,
is putting together a model Huey Cobra,
is dyeing your moustache red and green,
is putting an angel on top of a bamboo sprout,
is mailing out Army Christmas cards,
is seeing an ACAV with a colored bow on top,
is wondering if your gifts got home in time,
is know you’re not gonna get a stocking full of goodies,
is saying “Peace”
is wondering if you’ll get to see Bob Hope,
is “desiring” to see the dames in his troupe,
is eating in a decorated mess hall,
is hoping for a picture of your gal, and getting a note-book,
is eating your buddies’ fruit cake,
is reading a book on the battle of Bastegne
is hoping for a new Nero Wolfe mystery,
is writing your Draft Board, “Wish you were here,”
is getting chocolate covered raisins,
is getting mail twice a day,
is crossing off another day,
is saying, “Wait till next year!”,
is far, far, from home.
And even though we miss him every day, I'm certain Dad isn't crossing off days and feeling far, far from home this year.
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