
Several people have inquired about a place to share their memories of my father. I hope that this site can serve that purpose. Please email me your relections - - and I'll copy them onto this site. Please include your name, even if it is just a first name. Thanks.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oh, Christmas Tree...

I love Christmas lights. I don't hang a lot of lights on my own home, but I have loved seeing what other people do to their homes for years. Some of our family Christmas trips were as memorable for the lights we passed as for the destination. 

Our first Christmas here, I heard about some unusual lights - very large, round lights in a tree shape. I had never seen anything like these lights.  I drove by the house during the day to try to get a better look. The house was well back from the road, and the yard was heavily wooded. I couldn't see much. 

The next year, I took Mom & Dad to see the lights. Much to my husband's horror, Dad & I went back the next day and invited ourselves into the yard to get a better look. To our delight, we discovered that the trees appeared to be made of easily obtainable materials. 

Dad & I designed and made our own trees. They are so beautiful - in that over-the-top-multicolored-Christmas-tree sort of way. I haven't hung mine for the last couple of years, but I hung it tonight.

My son has made several trips outside just to look at it "one more time." I have a feeling it will be up every year from now on. 

1 comment:

weavermom said...

Over the top beauty! :)